High performers that are recognized for their significant contribution to company’s growth(decision to be made by HR committee)
Category | Annual Salary | Monthly Salary | Hourly Basis |
For | Executives | Managers | Site Engineers |
Composition of Monthly Salary | - | Base Salary + Allowances | Base Hourly Wage x Attendance |
Calculation of Monthly Salary | - | Salary grade table | Salary grade table |
Date of Monthly Payroll | 5th | 5th | 10th |
Bonus / Performance-based incentive | To be paid according to the company policy |
Employment type | Detail |
Permanent Employee | Five day work week(40 hour work week) |
ShiftWorker | Sasang plant – 3 Groups 3 shifts / Noksan plant – 4 Groups 3 shifts / Chilseo Steel works – 4 Groups 3 shifts |
*Other assistance : Various assistance of benefit including important anniversaries and holiday gifts, long-term employee reward & consolation trip, regular picnic, sports day assistance etc.